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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
@marius thanks for pointing this out! I just pushed an update that should fix this! Can you confirm?
@marius @monokee Hm, I think the pattern just got smaller:
@marius what resolution does the image have that you're seeing this pattern on?
@marius @monokee @marius @monokee This particular one is 7339 x 5504 px - I've tested this with lower resolution, and surprisingly, the raster grid is much larger there. It's faint, but it's there.
@marius got it, working on it!
@marius lots of changes to the grain rendering in the latest update. Grid pattern should be largely eliminated although right now there might still be moire artifacts when the grain is set to a very small size. I need to adjust the size control to disallow single granules becoming smaller than a physical pixel on a devices monitor.
@marius @monokee It does look much better now indeed, especially on higher grain sizes. The artifacts got smaller, too, I think.
If there's any information I can give to get rid of this remaining artifacts too, I'd love to.
@marius New update is live. It's now impossible to create grains that are smaller than a physical pixel of an image displayed on the monitor. Grains now also scale around their individual origins which should eliminate all tiling artifacts for good.
@marius @monokee Great, I wasn't able to produce any more artifacts, so this is fixed, thank you once again! :)