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A simple way of altering EXPOSURE per IMAGE ON SAME SCENE
(maybe tied to the UP/DOWN keyboard keys so as to speed up EXPOSURE MATCHING by navigating as usual with Right/Left keys and Up/Down for + or - Exposure..or maybe with same Right/Left Keys plus another key? thinking this last bit because you may have thought saving the UP/DOWN keys for a STARED/FLAGGED feature or something else (could use the + / - keys ))
IMAGE EXPOSURE MATCHING > Usually on a set of fotos the exposure varies and if one pretends to only use it would facilitate this task (avoid external editors) I know you can do this by loading images on separate Scenes but for larger sets of images it takes more time and there is currently no option to select multiple images on import and them loading to separate Scenes (to my knoledge)...maybe this would be a simpler way so as to avoid added complexity versus the feature I request. 🤔
New: Per Image Pre-Processing
The latest update introduces per-image exposure, contrast, temperature and saturation corrections in the image editing workspace.
These corrections operate directly on each image in a scene and are applied under the scene-wide color grade.
Filmic processing
The controls use the same filmic processing models used by the main color engine.
I’m working on per-image preprocessing options right now and will publish this with the next update. Options will be exposure, contrast, white balance and saturation. The first step is to enable per image processing via the image editor workspace (border, crop, rotate etc) and then we’ll think about shortcuts!
New: Per Image Pre-Processing
The latest update introduces per-image exposure, contrast, temperature and saturation corrections in the image editing workspace.
These corrections operate directly on each image in a scene and are applied under the scene-wide color grade.
Filmic processing
The controls use the same filmic processing models used by the main color engine.