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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
I'm not sure if the mobile version should support scenes like the desktop version due to lack of screen real estate to be honest. It's currently possible to rotate your phone into landscape mode to reveal the features that are not normally available on mobile but it's not really designed to work in landscape at all.
What's your use case for scenes on mobile? Could this use case potentially be solved with a a different approach?
@monokee Hello!
Thanks, yes I do all the work on my iPhone and I do manage to use it to select scene, but it’s quite finicky, hence my request.
I honestly believe that people are going to adopt working on these devices as a matter of norm. If you can’t make it work with multiple scenes, then I I would suggest just allowing for one scene.
It would rid one of the expectation that one could work with more than one scene.
On another note, I was thinking that the RGB mixer should be changed into Printer Points with the addition of Contrast, Luminance sliders. And no need for the button that locks the three sliders together.
I absolutely love your software! Well done on making this available to the public.
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