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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
And i just tested using png and that works as it should-
"I should be able to put the file through color.io without making adjustments and have a file that looks the same on the other side." - I too share your wish that color management was this easy. Unfortunately it isn't.
TLDR: You'll want to use P3 D60 or D65 in Color.io to round-trip in a wide gamut color space as that ODT does not include an RRT and inverts perfectly. Make sure to set Photoshop to the appropriate P3 working space and choose "Don't color manage this document" under Edit -> Assign Profile
Color.io works differently than ICC based color management systems like Adobe Software and more like Davinci Resolve. Color.io ignores embedded ICC profiles in Tiff files. Generally this makes things more predicable because there are no automagic mappings applied but getting things to match between Adobe Software and any other application can be a pain.
Just to illustrate:
First I open a TIFF file in Photoshop, set the working RGB space to Adobe RGB and do not assign a profile to the document.
I save the TIFF file to my desktop. I do NOT embed the Adobe RGB color profile.
I open that TIFF file in Preview. It looks different from Photoshop.
I go back into Photoshop, this time I save the TIFF file WITH the Adobe RGB color profile embedded.
I open that TIFF file in Preview. It is way darker than the preview in Photoshop.
I don't know how Photoshop works internally as its proprietary software but it seems like they are converting everything to the monitor ICC profile for display purposes. So even when you set the working space in PS to Adobe RGB, you're viewing Adobe RGB through a monitor profile conversion. This would explain why you get preview in Color.io to match when you set the ODT to sRGB.
It seems that your intention is to round-trip between PS and Color.io while staying in Adobe RGB. The Adobe RGB output color space in Color.io however is actually an output device transform with a reference rendering transform, sweeteners and surround compensation. It's not intended for round tripping but for final output to an Adobe RGB monitor device.
Thanks for the quick answer!
you're right i want to round-trip. Most projects demand some back and forth. Lot's of retouched pictures, client comments and so forth.
Okay i learned a lot here.
So what should i do here? I'm fine with packing in p3 instead. Bottom line is i need to count on my eyes when exporting something from and to photoshop.
Also when i'm in color.io i need to know what i'm looking at once it's back in photoshop-
@tue thanks for clarifying! Here's the workflow I suggest:
Now the previews in both applications will match. To get the exported file from Color.io to display correctly in Photoshop:
The crucial part is that the ODT in Color.io is for the current preview monitor only. To round trip in different color spaces, the Export -> Color Management override is what you want to use.
Let me know if this works and I'll write a full worklow user guide for others struggling with this! Thank you so much for your input and help!
@tue I will also add the ability to do set an export color space for clipboard rendering to speed up getting the files back into PS.
I will try this workflow out! And thank you for being so hands on in regards to my request. It's kinda cool being able to get direct answers from the developer!
Yeah and also, i hope to use this software in my workflow as the tool are reeeeally missing from photoshop and capture one.
The one thing however i miss in Color.io is color warper like the one davinci has.
I have tried https://timeinpixels.com/nobe-color-remap/ and it works okay i think. But i'm sure you could implement it better in color.io.
I know this specific tool is kinda advanced to use correctly if you're not freaking Juan Melara or you. But would be cool to have.
@tue I'll break out your request for a color warper tool into a separate feature request so others can vote and chime in!
And i think i found a workaround for keeping it in adobe rgb. I have photoshop working in adobe rgb space and the tiff file as well. I import tiff into color.io in adobeRGB in and sRGB out. Then i just export lossless in p3 and since it's a larger colorspace than adobe rgb i'm neither gaining nor losing data, as per my eyes anyway ;)
@tue absolutely, that will work for Adobe RGB. I think the most important thing to understand for new users is that the ODT is for display purposes on a physical monitor and the export color spaces are for baking a gamut into files. This has been a really dope exchange, thank you so much for your thoughts and input!
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