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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Turned this into a feature request:
Hi @willie - not right now. Images are not uploaded but stored privately in local browser storage and the scene state is also local to the device you're currently editing on. Only custom presets are saved in your account and are available across devices. I don't think I want to go down the route of uploading images (and videos in the future) to a server as it would make things really complicated and ultimately more expensive for users.
Instead, here's something I'm planning on developing:
A handoff feature that allows users to privately send scene states including images from one device to another with a simple link or QR code. That way we can guarantee image privacy, keep everything fast and secure and most importantly don't charge storage costs when you probably already pay for cloud storage elsewhere. Would that work for you?
Turned this into a feature request: