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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Hi @martin1571 - that sounds like a hardware or browser incompatibility. Please go to this link: https://whatsmybrowser.org/ click copy and paste your link here. Thanks!
@martin1571 Hmm your specs are looking good and there don't seem to be issues for other users with similar setups.
If you tried to open RAW images, please send me an example to jonathan@color.io if you can. This will allow me to inspect the format and see if it can be supported.
@monokee Hi Monokee,
I've tried to upload RAW (Lumix S5II), TIF and JPG.
The only one that shows up is the JPG.
No private or Inkognito mode
Yes, ad blockers are active
No errors at all.
Thanks for your support.
@martin1571 Got it! Lumix S5II RAW files are not supported yet. TIFF is supported but you may be using a compressed version of TIFF that is not supported.
I've updated your bug report for clarity and have turned it into a feature request for S5ii RAW support. This allows other users to vote which increases implementation priority!
@monokee Oh I see,
thanks for your in depth explanation.
Yes, I'm using compressed TIF files. will try to work with PNG.
The Tif things comes from my 3D history where this was the perfect
option to render out ... ;-)
@martin1571 Makes total sense, a lot of photographers also still use TIFF for printing for some reason so I'm also supporting it as an export format. In any case, PNG or uncompressed TIFF should work just fine! 🙌
@monokee I’d suggest posting a camera model compatibility list instead of the current RAW file format one, as it's quite confusing. Every Lumix camera since Lumix was first introduced uses the .rw2 format, but not all models are supported. For example, files from my GX85 are supported, but those from my S5II aren’t. Most major RAW developers take this approach: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-supported-cameras.html