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Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Learn what's new in the latest version of Color.io. Share your ideas and report any issues here.
Hi @corey - that's a great suggestion and actually something I built into the app from the very beginning (along with the ability to desaturate the entire UI) These settings are not currently exposed to the UI but I'll definitely add them within the next couple of updates! Thanks!
Hi @corey - I've implemented the ability to cycle the viewport background color in the latest beta version at https://beta.color.io - Right Click on the viewport and select from Default, Black, Grey and White. I will likely move this functionality to a more obvious and touch-device friendly location in the future.
@corey this feature is now out of beta and officially available in the app at app.color.io 🙌