Cycle background color

### Feature Request I'd like to be able to adjust the background color, or at least be able to cycle through a few preset colors. ### Use Case I typically compare against pure white, middle gray, and pure black to get a decent reference without a perfect environment. I'm currently doing this via a Boost (Arc browser built-in userscript) when the `viewport` is double clicked and it works pretty well, but it would be nice to have built-in. ``` const maxAttachAttempts = 10; let attemptNumber = 0; const getViewport = (callback, reject) => { attemptNumber++; const viewport = document.querySelector("[ref='$viewport']"); if (viewport) { callback(viewport); } else { if (attemptNumber < maxAttachAttempts) { `Viewport not found. Attempting again in ${attemptNumber} seconds` ); window.setTimeout(() => { getViewport(callback, reject); }, 1000 * attemptNumber); } else { console.error(`Viewport not found after ${attemptNumber} attempts`); reject(); } } }; const awaitViewport = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { getViewport(resolve, reject); }); awaitViewport.then((viewport) => { const colors = [null, "#fff", "#808080", "#000"]; let currentColor = null; const cycleBg = (e) => { // Only take action if the event was triggered from the expected element if (e.currentTarget !== viewport) { return; } // Prevent bubbling or native behavior for qualified events e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); // Cycle through the colors const currentIdx = colors.indexOf(currentColor); const nextIdx = currentIdx >= colors.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIdx + 1; const nextColor = colors[nextIdx]; // Update the background color = nextColor; currentColor = nextColor; }; // Attach the event listener viewport.addEventListener("dblclick", cycleBg); }); ```