Beta - Spectra AI, User Presets & More

![orthographic-stills.jpg-8631](BASE/products/813987637/changelog/27023/inline-c64cb0238b99cb971e93043f57645432.jpg) Take an exclusive sneak peek at the [next major version of]( that is packed with tons of new and exciting features for advanced look creation and film emulation: **[](** ## New: Spectra AI - Generative Film Emulator When I launched earlier this year, the mission was clear: Equip creatives with a tool to create industry-grade film looks with unparalleled color smoothness and control over every parameter. Today, with the introduction of Spectra AI in the App, the way we create film looks and presets is about to undergo a revolutionary change. Spectra AI is a groundbreaking generative model that autonomously builds optimized looks and presets at the click of a button. The base model is trained on analog film and can be influenced with custom weights and biases to steer the output in a direction that aligns with your own creative vision. As you use, Spectra AI learns your personal taste and color preferences over time and adapts its output to your vision. Training your own AI model is built directly into the app - it learns as you use it, just like a social network. ## New: Cloud based User Presets ![presets-clouds.jpg-5335](BASE/products/813987637/changelog/27023/inline-f313a1509b398b49e220f750e36a0712.jpg) Heavily requested and now a reality: Pro users can create, edit and share their own presets. Presets are saved in your cloud account and will be available across devices. While we never upload your images to our server and process everything privately on your device, being able to use your presets everywhere is going to come in super handy, especially now that 2.0 will work as an installable smartphone app. ## New: Color Science Updates ![tone-compression.jpg-3188](BASE/products/813987637/changelog/27023/inline-b10af61377ccbe3b5c190baf18df77ba.jpg) The color science framework has been upgraded to version 2.0 with many small but noticable rendering improvements: * The **Tone Compression** algorithm has received a major update and now behaves more naturally * The **Color Range Mask** now isolates the entire color grade, not just the spectral transform as previously * New **Apple Log** IDT * New **Apple HDR** IDT * New **Leica L-Log** IDT * New **Arri Log-C v4** Export Color Space * New **RED IPP2** Export Color Space * Updated **P3 IDT / ODT **(no longer requires separate Color Space Conversion) ## New: Film Material FX Updates The film material effects now have their own dedicated work space next to the preset panel and color engine. 2.0 introduces new effects and many enhancements to existing ones: * New **Diffusion Effect** - Diffusion works best in combination with the updated Acutance. By combining both processes, you have the ability to diffuse and soften the image while retaining local contrast and natural clarity. * New **Fringe Effect** - Fringe is a new creative extension of the Vignette process and allows you to diffuse the outer edges of the frame while simultaneously introducing subtle chromatic aberration. * Updated **Halation** - improved core processing for more natural glow behaviour * Updated **Film Grain** - improved shadow grain rendering * Updated **Vignette 2.0** - much more natural and localized relighting based on image contents * Updated **Acutance 2.0** - localized, image adaptive relighting and edge contrast enhancement ## Various Updates * New **RGB Histogram** - adapts to the viewport (zoom, split screen etc) * Improved **Split Screen View** - a vertical line to clearly separate the preview * New **Arri Reference Tool** LUT export format * Moved **History Timeline** into a popup that sits between the Undo and Redo arrows * Deprecated **Preset URLs** in favor of the new cloud based preset system (Preset import coming soon) ## Upcoming Features * Ability to exclude certain actions from your AI taste profile. * Reopening LUTs made with with intact settings. * Customizing the editor's backdrop color. * Adjusting the User Interface's saturation. * Import and install third party presets ## THIS IS A BETA VERSION. Please be aware this is a beta version. Some functionalities may not work as intended and unforeseen glitches may arise. While I try my best to make it possible, I cannot guarantee the compatibility of presets saved with this beta when transitioning to the final release. Your continued support, feedback, and encouragement are invaluable. Thank you! Jonathan | Developer